
the colours will arise, keep it deep inside, we are also working

tomorrow i have a big test for my class "challenge and change" which is a mesh of anthropology, psychology and sociology (although it could be argued that a majority of it is sociology) on chapters 6, 7 and 8 so posting right now is probably not the best decision, especially considering when i was supposed to be studying, i was taking a nap..

my belt is breaking :( say bye to it, it's close to extinction.. why is that all my favourite accessories break? further proof of this? today, the below shoe straps broke! i was hobbling around at school. it can be fixed with super glue, but it shows that they won't be around for much longer.. :( best shoes ever. i get so many compliments for them.

top - Aeropostale
shorts- Valleygirl (Australia)
belt - thrifted
shoes - thrifted
headband - H&M
necklace - Diva (Australia) 

sudden realisation: even if i fail the test tomorrow it won't change my future. it won't affect my mark much, as the year is ending, and it will hardly mean failure at life. just like if i ace the test. nothing will change. there's 15 more school days until school ends, i have my two exams and it's SUMMER. even so, knowing this, i doubt i will be able to chill.. tomorrow my biology summative begins (assessment worth 15% of my final mark). stress stress stress. but not nearly as much stress as i went through last semester.. i had functions and chemistry AND english. oh god, how did i manage that.. 

i am so tired. night.
title lyrics from Hey Light - Animal Collective


it's a great feelin', you suddenly find the clouds are silver lined, when the sun breaks through

dress - Cotton On (Australia)
belt - thrifted
blog title from the song: It's a great feeling - Doris Day


i don't know what it is but there's definitely something going on upstairs

The last few days in Toronto have been insanely hot.. well, hot in comparison to the weather we were experiencing a mere two weeks ago! You would think that by growing up in Australia (especially Perth!) that I would be accustomed to warm weather as a typical summer includes weeks on end of 40+ degrees Celsius, but, apparently not, as high 20's is enough to make me long for Autumn days.. 

Do you guys experience the whole receiving-ugly-jewellery-from-relatives-and-friends dilemma? I mean, not to sound ungrateful but I have gotten many ugly necklaces and such which I would prefer not to wear.. are you supposed to keep them for years and years or something? I've yet to face an awkward situation regarding this topic but I feel bad about giving it away, or just throwing it out.. Of course, this is completely unrelated to the above picture because I love my watch (from mum, Christmas 2007) and bracelet (from my grandmother,  August 2009). I've actually never worn this bracelet before and recently discovered it in a box under my bed.. no idea why I put it there without wearing it when it's so pretty!

Check out my yellow nails.. which IS chipping badly, but still is an awesome colour! Lately I've been putting lemon slices in water bottles and then freezing it as its a lovely drink to have throughout the hot day at school, and today my friends remarked that my nails matched the lemons. It's the little things, you know? :)

Thinking I might need to start tanning soon.. ahaha how embarrasing to unleash the beasts after a cold winter! ;-)

I hate my feet and this picture manages to somehow hide the hideousness of them, while showing you my new sandals at the same time..
shirt- Costa Blanca
shorts - Costa Blanca
necklace - Le Chateau
bracelet, watch - gifts
shoes - H&M
blog title from the song - Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds


don't look in the mirror at the face you don't recognize

dress - valleygirl (australia)
belt - from russia


get liquored, soak it up

What is a meaningful life? - philosophy class reflection piece.
"I believe that a meaningful life is a life with reflection and goals because constant re-evaluation of your life is necessary to make sure your goals are actually attainable. A meaningful life consists of love, family, support, education, money, travel and success. Without these things, what would we live for, strive for? Without carefully examining current issues and the direction your life is taking, time will pass and one day you’ll find that you’ve lived 25 years with nothing to speak of it. It’s important to do things you enjoy; play the guitar, spend time with your family, learn a new language, graduate high school, cook a good meal, fall in love.. Or just have fun! It may seem like fun is just “going with it” but I believe it’s important to plan ahead what we want in the future so that we moderate the amount of fun we have now because immature choices made when you’re young can affect the rest of your life so that you don’t end up achieving the generic things such as education, financial support or a family. Without one we can’t really have the other; what is financial support if we don’t have others to share it with? What is a family without financial support? (How would the family survive?) What is education if we don’t have a family to share our wisdom and knowledge? Although it may be boring that everyone seems to end up going down the same old path, I believe it’s the “same old path” for a reason: this equates to having a meaningful life. 

An examined life is necessary in order to establish path and meaning. There is no meaning in life if we don’t achieve anything. There are so many different paths to go down which fills up our time and leads us to many opportunities. For example, sports teams in high school. By doing something different and healthy a couple of times a week, it can ignite a passion for a sport. This passion could turn into a career which could turn to fame which equates to money. The athlete would be recognised for his/her talent and achievement as becoming a professional at anything requires persistence, training and dedication. I believe that this athlete is having a meaningful life because they took the time and made the effort to achieve something! 

We must all remember that the future is unavoidable and the choice of not examining, planning, reassessing or re-evaluating your life is immature. When we question, it leads to deeper meaning. Life without meaning is like a bottomless abyss. If there is no rhyme or reason to what a person is doing in their existence then why are they here, what was the initial goal to begin with?"

source. (for the last two lines - the rest was written by myself)

source. Gemma Watts (melb. australia)

source. unknown (stolen off my little sister)

 source. flashes of style

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